Jermaine Higgins, VP of Operations and Recruiting for Hire G.I. will be sharing his secrets for sourcing employees with military experience and how highly ranked veterans can lead to higher production and efficiency.
Jermaine Higgins, a passionate advocate for military talent, is on a mission to connect Veterans with job opportunities that celebrate their unique experiences. As the Vice President of Sales and Recruiting for Hire G.I. LLC, Jermaine currently guides military-friendly employers to a wellspring of military job seekers each day, fostering the careers of Veterans and enriching corporate talent pipelines across the U.S.
Jermaine's insights stem from his diverse executive background, which extends from Atlanta, Georgia, to the Asian Pacific. Before his role at Hire G.I., he served as Sr. Project Manager for the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Workshops in Tokyo, Japan. Over five years, he led the execution of over 1,000 workshops across the Asia Pacific, providing employment guidance to transitioning military service members and their spouses.
Jermaine received a B.A. in Business Management from Tennessee State University and an M.B.A. with a Marketing concentration from Clark Atlanta University. His education and remarkable professional journey equip him with unparalleled expertise in military recruitment, making him a highly sought-after resource for both corporate partners seeking military talent and Veterans transitioning into civilian life.
Veterans deal with a number of challenges re-entering the workforce after serving in the military, so making an effort to consciously employ veterans is a great way to thank them for their service while also benefiting from the knowledge and skills that come along with military experience. Service members possess a unique set of highly valued skills including leadership, problem-solving, adaptability, discipline and teamwork. In addition to the social and business benefits of hiring veterans, there are also government incentives for businesses that hire veterans. Employers hiring veterans could qualify for tax credits or VA assistance to offset onboarding costs.
Today’s webcast will feature ways to source employees by working with the Transition Assistance department and attending job fairs on military bases. Jermaine will also provide some insight on how to recruit, onboard and retain this group of highly sought-after individuals.

SHRM Georgia State Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Matching Veterans with Military-Friendly Employers
Time: Jul 28, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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